All About Adrianne

Who is Adrianne James?

I am a woman who was raised by two loving parents in a large family. I was taught respect and responsibility. I was taught to follow my dreams and told if I wanted something bad enough, I would make it happen. I like to think that I am exactly what my parents set out to raise me to be.

I am a wife and mother. I do everything in my power to make sure they are cared for. I try to instill in my children everything that was taught to me. I do my best by my husband, supporting him in everything he does and loving him with all of me.

I am a photographer and graphic artist. I see beauty in everything and believe everything has a part in a story somewhere and capturing a single image can inspire someone somewhere to create a whole new story to share with the world.

I am a writer. I have been writing short stories and poems all my life.  I took the Nano Challenge in 2010 to prove to myself that I had the ability to write more than a few pages. I did just that. I have completed my first novel, LIFE ON LOAN, and am currently preparing to self publish in February 2013. My second novel, OVEREXPOSED, is in the editing stages and I have many more books bouncing around in my head that I have every intention of putting to paper to share with the world.

Even with everything I have just divulged about myself, there is still so much more. I am a complex and complicated person. I know that, I understand it, I love it.

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