I should be writing but….. INDIE KISSING!

So, I should be writing right now but I just happened to be scrolling through Goodreads and stumbled upon a Blog special just for the month of February hosted by THE INDELIBLES. The month of LURV, The month of Lust, and the most important aspect of the two, the month of KISSING!

Who doesn’t love a good kissing scene? Makes you either remember your own amazing first kiss…or wish that sloppy face sucking session had been exactly as you read in that book that makes you have all sorts of FEELS.

*not my image click for credit*

So on Feb, 14th come on back to the blog for a KISSING SPECIAL! I will be posting a never before released excerpt from Life on Loan (due out Feb 15!) as well as doing a GIVEAWAY of a digital copy of LIFE ON LOAN! Image

I may even take a trip down memory lane and share my own First Kiss story. It was one of those perfect ones thank goodness. Don’t worry, I have had my share of the sloppy face sucking ones too.